Whitley Wood Reformed Baptist Church, Reading


The address of the Community Centre is

28-35 Lexington Grove
(off Swallowfield Drive)
Whitley Wood

Map Details

For a map of the area click on the link below




Directions by car

Directions by Train

The nearest mainline station is in Reading Town Centre. Trains stop in Reading from the London Paddington to Bristol main line, the service from Guildford and the stopping service from Clapham Junction. Bus stops are immediately outside the station exit.

Directions by Bus

There is a direct bus service from the Reading Train Station and there is a bus stop right outside the Whitley Wood  Community Centre (No 6 only).

No 6    - On Sunday this service leaves Reading Station on the hour, every hour and takes about 17 minutes to reach the Community Centre.

No 9    - On Sunday this service leaves Reading Station at half past the hour, every hour and takes 20 minutes to reach the roundabout (Engineer s Court) near the Community Centre.